Call it Gutter or Longkang. They mean the same thing. So just enjoy. By the way, we have nothing to do with site. We are not them and we know nothing and care nothing about them.
This school-girl from Japan, refused to give her name (see below). But she is real hot and willing, and very cooperative too. Funny thing is her site Unseen Japan, where the photos originated was banned by Singapore's busybody MDA. Singapore is worse than China and the rest of the world, when come to internet censorship. Let's enjoy these pics for now before it got banned by another authority.
While most of us are constantly looking for erotic pics of big stars like Britney and Paris Hilton, what we missed are those near perfect bodies of beautiful human beings that were carefully nurtured and "carved" into perfection. Here is a near perfect one, that any Britney and Paris wannabes would envy. These photos contained timeless immortals.
Sure, at first glance you think, "Oh, she's just another hot model from Argentina. Big deal." And then you quickly realize what you wake up to every morning looks like Ellen on a good day. I'm just saying, you can't miss this, you simply can't!
Many of us are wandering what happened to the once hot and sexy Britney Spears, and wished that she never changed and put on those extra flaps all over her body. So here is a great reminder of what we missed today...
It’s not that often we get any pictures of Cameron Diaz in her bikini so today must be your lucky day. Here she is flashing some ass crack in her little green bikini while playing in the surf. It’s been so long that I almost forgot how hot she is, her body is as tight as my pants are right now. That joke never gets old. I guess Cameron has a movie coming out and needs a little exposure, I don’t care what the reason is but I like it. Enjoy her long flowing never-ending body and eternally long legs.
Pamela Anderson showing off her assets, that are surprisingly in good shape!
If you’re wondering why Pam Anderson is wearing a pink bikini on memorial day, it is in memory of her pink vagina, that has over the years got greyer, thicker skinned, callused and diseased.
You know, remembering a time she was more desirable, a sex symbol and a woman other women aspired to be like because they knew their boyfriends and husbands were jerking off to her. Someone who helped build the fuckin’ breast implant industry.
Something I think deserves a fuckin’ parade and day off for.